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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hyrulien Posted - 21 May 2003 : 15:00:01
So yeah im the nube but look I would really doubt it if there was a movie. of course I would go see it but, it will never be close to the genuius of the books. In the RPG consortium im not even allowed to say the "M word" But thax for allowing me to post this topic and thank you all.

"And i beleived him too."
- Tasselhoff Burrfoot
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Goblin21x Posted - 11 Jun 2003 : 23:20:12
yeah the ones that turn up green....yea im sure those are not so good to.

He who is destined to be an ogre
Silvara Posted - 10 Jun 2003 : 21:00:15
lol. I agree on that one...

Goblin21x Posted - 10 Jun 2003 : 19:26:51
the ones that dont cause cancer are the good ones

He who is destined to be an ogre
hottopicman83 Posted - 10 Jun 2003 : 15:46:51
*kicks his immune system* i need more of those good blood cells... can't remember which were the good ones... yeah.

Caramon:yes, Tas. Caring does hurt a lot of the time. But the hurt is better that being empty inside.
Goblin21x Posted - 10 Jun 2003 : 07:55:36
isnt that just the way it goes though? Nobodys perfect.

He who is destined to be an ogre
hottopicman83 Posted - 08 Jun 2003 : 18:13:15
Ya, I only want it to do so much, I would really like my body to do everything, but sometimes it can't.

Caramon:yes, Tas. Caring does hurt a lot of the time. But the hurt is better that being empty inside.
Goblin21x Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 19:08:55
well sorry but herbal only goes so far

He who is destined to be an ogre
hottopicman83 Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 17:41:21
I don't like meds, herbals the best I think. But not the new age store stuff, and isn't it funny how the new age stuff has been around longer than some religions; I'm talking plant stuff just like them indians.

Caramon:yes, Tas. Caring does hurt a lot of the time. But the hurt is better that being empty inside.
Goblin21x Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 17:01:16
well other then penicilin and pain meds like IB Profin I have only really taken riddelin

He who is destined to be an ogre
Silvara Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 11:25:36
that doesn't sound good...

hottopicman83 Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 04:15:42
The only medision I've used; other that advil, was a tums like thing when I drank too much milk and the bones grew too fast, so I had to be lactos intolerent for 2 months.

Caramon:yes, Tas. Caring does hurt a lot of the time. But the hurt is better that being empty inside.
Silvara Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 00:08:10
I was never on medication either. Hotto's making a mess outta things...

Goblin21x Posted - 05 Jun 2003 : 23:18:27
i used to take riddelin I think I should still be on it but thats just me

He who is destined to be an ogre
Silvara Posted - 05 Jun 2003 : 20:54:50
Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not on medication...

hottopicman83 Posted - 05 Jun 2003 : 16:21:57
hey, my medication (if I were on any) would different from your medication.

Caramon:yes, Tas. Caring does hurt a lot of the time. But the hurt is better that being empty inside.

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