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Posted - 29 Dec 2007 :  09:48:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was curious what others would think of this. Obviously, we all are very supportive of the concept of a Dragonlance movie, though many of us find the present animation to be very weak in comparison to all other aspects of the film.

With that in mind, if the sales are successful, but Paramount decides to change up the animation in the next film (using fan input, perhaps ), does anyone think that they would consider re-releasing Autumn Twilight after they had finished WN and SD, with completely new animation. That is the only real hang up, and having all audio completely finished for the film, they could simply go back and redo the visuals, fixing the film, and allowing for a possible Theatrical release.


"Golden... woolly mammoth."


996 Posts

Posted - 29 Dec 2007 :  13:22:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It's an idea, though fairly unlikely.

I'd imagine that if any studio were to remake Dragons of Autumn Twilight, it would be live-action.

I could be wrong, but even if it would make sense (IE: follow a new animation style used in DOWN and DOSD), I can't see them making another cartoon for DOAT.
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Posted - 03 Jan 2008 :  01:27:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If it is remade, it would be a LONG time in the future. Say, another 10 years. If it does well, with a successful batch of further animated flicks ahead of it.

I find the chances of the animation studio remaking it, however, are slim.

But hey... back in 1986, if anyone said that the biggest blockbuster of 2007 would have been a live action version of Transformers (right after the 1986 animated flick did poorly in movie theaters), they would have laughed too.

eh... we'll see. But my magic 8 ball prediction puts it at "unlikely."

Now. Go watch the DVD and enjoy it for what it is.
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5 Posts

Posted - 03 Jan 2008 :  19:44:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
enjoy a movie that looks like it was made with a box of Crayolas and a 10 yr old graphics computer all mixed together?

How on earth does a graphics company even stay in business doing work like that, honestly?
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Posted - 03 Jan 2008 :  20:41:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
They are from india, labour is cheap.

"James, get the F**K out of my office! Those eyes creep me the heck out!" - My boss on halloween

Why insult the door's purpose by locking it?
—Favorite kender expression, Dragons of Winter Night
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United Kingdom
22 Posts

Posted - 06 Jan 2008 :  19:42:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well, they've done well with Dora the Explorer. Not exactly in the same league that is a requirement for the DoAT film that we all want... But, this is the type of animation that was to be expected.


Lady Crysania: For now I see. I see clearly, as Loralon promised.
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59 Posts

Posted - 09 Jan 2008 :  18:50:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
honestly... i love the animation that they have in store for us now, it reminds me of the old fantasy animations i used to watch.

anyone remember "Dungeons & Dragons" the animated series with the geeky wizard who cant cast to save his arse, the only barbarian was a child and i think the paladin was a coward... but it was fun!

edit: also remember, graphics don't make a movie, plenty of movies have sucked but you feel like "man this movie sucks, but oh ain't that pretty!"

Edited by - Nathaniel on 09 Jan 2008 18:51:17
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46 Posts

Posted - 10 Jan 2008 :  23:54:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
WOW! I have to admit that is the first time I ever heard anyone say they liked that cartoon. I hated that little barbarian but the baby unicorn was just indescribably horrible. Recalling his pathetic bleat is worse than nails on a black board. What bothered me most was my friends who were not into D&D (and other folks) would see that abomination and be completely turned off to everything else about the game. Oh! and dungeon master. Talk about skewing the whole concept of the game. I bet no one from that production ever rolled dice.

The bumbling magician thing was clever. But that jerk was in no way a paladin. He was nowhere close to the charisma requirement (AD&D 2nd edition minimum ability requirements...) sorry-flashback

The black girl was a barbarian too.

A friend bought me the DVD set last year for Christmas, kind of like a gag gift. I laughed when I opened the wrapping paper and asked if I should put it on. That made us all laugh except the host who simply said "No Way"

Do you want it

Nothing personal by the way I'm glad someone is saying something positive about the upcoming release. I can't wait! There's other new topics here with a bunch of clips. They look really good. When everyone was bashing the rough trailer I just kept thinking ' I bet once we see it from the beginning on a nice system and it all comes together it's going to be totally awesome'
Over-analyzing little clips is going to breed criticism I guess, but after waiting soooo long...

I like all kinds of animation. Even when it's not particularly fancy. I was raised on Speed Racer, Battle of the Planets, and Looney Tunes

Anyway, Sorry about straying from the topic but hey! They made a live action D&D movie after they made the D&D cartoon. The made a live action LOTR after the Hobbit cartoon. I doubt DoAT will be re-animated but would not be surprised to see a live action film one day. Once this movie does well, they'll make some more, the fan base will grow, and there will be a much better chance
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