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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Teode Posted - 07 May 2003 : 16:16:07
Are they ever going to make a movie based on these books? I have been checking for the last few years on whether or not they have even started filming one, and to much dismay I always see in the right top corner when I come to this site that there are no movies in the making. WTF!! I was so excited when Lord of the Rings came out because I saw that being a door for all other fantasy books to get into the movie industry. I have still yet to see another movie based on a fantasy book. Again I say WTF!!! So, after venting a little bit, I just ask this one question. Are there any new rumors on a movie for Dragonlance?

Fewmaster Teode
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Goblin21x Posted - 11 Jun 2003 : 23:17:47
well I like to be up and around doing things and only sleep about 6-7 hrs a night so it was a whole lot for me. Thank you I had a fantastic time.

He who is destined to be an ogre
Silvara Posted - 10 Jun 2003 : 20:57:26
I don't need to be tired to feel like doing that...
Anyway, glad you had a good time.

Goblin21x Posted - 10 Jun 2003 : 19:29:14
i got home at 7pm sunday and slept from 8pm to 11 am monday I was so tired

He who is destined to be an ogre
hottopicman83 Posted - 10 Jun 2003 : 15:51:15
man, you role played as in insomniac, now thats my boy.

Caramon:yes, Tas. Caring does hurt a lot of the time. But the hurt is better that being empty inside.
Goblin21x Posted - 10 Jun 2003 : 07:52:36
actually I didnt sleep from 8 am friday morning till 1:30 am sunday had a great time to

He who is destined to be an ogre
hottopicman83 Posted - 08 Jun 2003 : 18:04:24
Its okay, he hasn't gotten any sleep.

Caramon:yes, Tas. Caring does hurt a lot of the time. But the hurt is better that being empty inside.
Silvara Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 21:52:24

oh shut up you.

What did I do?

Goblin21x Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 19:06:20
yes well im gonna be gone all weekend so its all good. I have gaming convention to go to :) im so stoked.

He who is destined to be an ogre
hottopicman83 Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 17:35:27
Harsh man that was harsh, telling her to shut up. I might not find it to day, I have a D&D gaming thing to go to.

Caramon:yes, Tas. Caring does hurt a lot of the time. But the hurt is better that being empty inside.
Goblin21x Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 17:05:18
oh shut up you. Thanks HT I appreciate it.

He who is destined to be an ogre
Silvara Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 11:31:15
now isn't this nice... two friends who met through the internet...

hottopicman83 Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 04:10:29
sorry, I forgot that I was haggin with a friend to day, I look around for it okay. I might take a day or two but I'll see what I can find okay.

Caramon:yes, Tas. Caring does hurt a lot of the time. But the hurt is better that being empty inside.
Silvara Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 00:14:34
well, he did ask nicely...

Goblin21x Posted - 05 Jun 2003 : 23:11:12
sweet havent hada chance to look so far cause I have been really busy. Would you mind scanning it for me?

He who is destined to be an ogre
hottopicman83 Posted - 04 Jun 2003 : 21:52:18
You should, if you can't I'll find the law book and scan it for you if I can.

Caramon:yes, Tas. Caring does hurt a lot of the time. But the hurt is better that being empty inside.

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