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T O P I C    R E V I E W
v_game_freak13 Posted - 21 May 2003 : 15:49:59
if they do make a movie which book should they mak it for? they should probably start with the chronicles but they would need to make some mor movies that would explian some of the things that they reference that hapens in the other books.

"I do not predict the future. I see only the present as it becomes the past...." -Astinus
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Goblin21x Posted - 11 Jun 2003 : 23:21:03
well how much longer do you have before your done?

He who is destined to be an ogre
Silvara Posted - 10 Jun 2003 : 21:03:22
I envy you guys really... Nowadays, I just spend my days studying for the exams season...

Goblin21x Posted - 10 Jun 2003 : 19:24:49
man was it a good time to. Game went all weekend long from 6pm fri to 4 pm sun

He who is destined to be an ogre
hottopicman83 Posted - 10 Jun 2003 : 15:42:41
Hoo-ray for role play.

Caramon:yes, Tas. Caring does hurt a lot of the time. But the hurt is better that being empty inside.
Goblin21x Posted - 10 Jun 2003 : 07:59:37
Indeed I did my little kiddies I kicked ass and headed the Cult of Cthulhu! Lets hear it for role-playing

He who is destined to be an ogre
hottopicman83 Posted - 09 Jun 2003 : 22:32:01
Ya I hope he did.

Caramon:yes, Tas. Caring does hurt a lot of the time. But the hurt is better that being empty inside.
Silvara Posted - 09 Jun 2003 : 00:05:17
hope he has fun this weekend...

hottopicman83 Posted - 08 Jun 2003 : 18:08:18
Hopefully he gets some sleep otherwise hes clinicly insane.

Caramon:yes, Tas. Caring does hurt a lot of the time. But the hurt is better that being empty inside.
Silvara Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 21:41:28
you definately woke in the wrong side of the bed today...

Goblin21x Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 19:11:12
sorry dude I guess I kinda didnt look at what you said . Yes you hit it right on the head what I was saying.

He who is destined to be an ogre
hottopicman83 Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 17:46:43
Hey that last line was of my own funny, and I thought I did a pretty good interp of what you said. But if you don't think so then fine, thats of my own opsevation, after all, you lived in OC; you know how the guys act around here.

Caramon:yes, Tas. Caring does hurt a lot of the time. But the hurt is better that being empty inside.
Goblin21x Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 16:58:38
well you can say what you want but why not read ALL of my quote before putting me down...I said that this is the observation I have made of the years. You can bad mouth what I say all you like and think what you want but the fact remains that this is what I have seen.

He who is destined to be an ogre
Silvara Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 11:24:30
lol... that was a good one, hotto.

hottopicman83 Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 04:17:38
What gobby is saying is that women tend to think with their heart and men tend to think with their head. . . well one of them anyways .

Caramon:yes, Tas. Caring does hurt a lot of the time. But the hurt is better that being empty inside.
Silvara Posted - 06 Jun 2003 : 00:05:44
men think logically and we don't? yeah, right... I could answer that quote...if I weren't as polite...

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