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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maverickshane Posted - 09 Jan 2008 : 20:18:20
Hey Everyone,

Margaret's production journal is the top story today on IGN's RPG Vault. This is also the premier of the Raistlin video clip (featuring Keifer Sutherland) you guys have been waiting for.




Shane K. DeFreest
Maverick Public Relations
Dragonlance Community Manager
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
james Posted - 10 Jan 2008 : 20:41:18
This is a question for... Culture 20!

Do you know if I'm full of crap about that lisp thing? I did a google search and didn't come up with much... Wikipedia wasn't much help either.

"James, get the F**K out of my office! Those eyes creep me the heck out!" - My boss on halloween

Why insult the door's purpose by locking it?
—Favorite kender expression, Dragons of Winter Night
Ilmater Posted - 10 Jan 2008 : 20:19:33
Originally posted by james

wasn't a lisp a sign of being of a higher social class back in the middle ages? Kind of like having a big gap in your teeth and stuff? Or am I full of crap. if I'm right, I could see how that would be something Raistlin would do to make it sound like he was better than everyone else.

Hmm, you might be right, I vaguely remember hearing about this somewhere. And yes, it would be very Raistlinish to put on a show like that.

In certain areas in Europe it is considered sophisticated and royal to use the guttural or French R even if it wouldn't normally belong to the language. I'm glad Mr Sutherland didn't go there for inspiration. Would sound rather... painful.

james Posted - 10 Jan 2008 : 16:48:00
wasn't a lisp a sign of being of a higher social class back in the middle ages? Kind of like having a big gap in your teeth and stuff? Or am I full of crap. if I'm right, I could see how that would be something Raistlin would do to make it sound like he was better than everyone else.

"James, get the F**K out of my office! Those eyes creep me the heck out!" - My boss on halloween

Why insult the door's purpose by locking it?
—Favorite kender expression, Dragons of Winter Night
Ilmater Posted - 10 Jan 2008 : 16:26:01
Originally posted by MrStatesTheObvious

It DOES sound like he has a lisp, or is chewing on something. D:

A cough drop?

Based on this clip, I'm happy with Kiefer's performance. He sounds almost exactly like I imagined Raistlin would sound.

The occasional lisp is an interesting touch.

MrStatesTheObvious Posted - 10 Jan 2008 : 05:02:47
It DOES sound like he has a lisp, or is chewing on something. D: I'm waiting for him to spit tobacco in a bucket.

DLMS Forums: We whinge because we care.
Scanndalus Posted - 10 Jan 2008 : 00:30:38
Originally posted by Slorg

Raistlin sounds a bit odd to me. I guess I keep imagining his voice like Christopher Lambert's Raiden in Mortal Kombat.

It does, however, sound like Kiefer is putting forth a good effort.

Thanks, I was having trouble with the sound on this clip the first time a downloaded it, the second time it was louder, but he had the lisp. I wasn't sure if it was my computer or Kiefer. THANKS!

Respectfully submitted,
(The poster formerly known as Scanndalus)

Bupu, you have been a good and true friend to me. You saved my life and the lives of those I care about. Now you will do one last thing for me, little one. Go back. I must travel roads that will be dark and dangerous before the end of my long journey. I cannot ask you to go with me.
Slorg Posted - 09 Jan 2008 : 23:02:44
Raistlin sounds a bit odd to me. I guess I keep imagining his voice like Christopher Lambert's Raiden in Mortal Kombat.

It does, however, sound like Kiefer is putting forth a good effort.

The interview was pretty entertaining.
james Posted - 09 Jan 2008 : 22:04:01
Lamassu, try right clicking on it (I am asuming you have a PC) and save the file to your desk top, or whereever on your coputer and try it from there.

"James, get the F**K out of my office! Those eyes creep me the heck out!" - My boss on halloween

Why insult the door's purpose by locking it?
—Favorite kender expression, Dragons of Winter Night
Lamassu Posted - 09 Jan 2008 : 21:48:54
That was an awesome article! Looking at the stills of Raistlin actually lifts my spirits about how good the animation will be. Yeah, I know it's not going to be very innovative or cutting edge, but like I said in an earlier post, once we get past that and take in the movie as a whole, I'm sure we'll enjoy it and get all giddy like school girls (I will at least ). My only gripe is for some reason I can't seem to play any quicktime movies (before anyone asks, yes I have the program application) from these articles that Shane's posting. Bah! I waited this long, I guess I can wait another 6 days. Ooooooooooo, this is better than christmas!

Fizban Who Posted - 09 Jan 2008 : 21:38:33
Originally posted by Scanndalus

Thanks for the link, Shane! It was a great interview.

Alright, roll to see if you hit the dragon with the staff. A 1! You rolled a 1! MWAHAHAHA! Ok, you take a swing, but the rope has you spinning, so you miss and hit the wall, which causes you to drop the staff. What? No you can't roll to see if you were able to catch it; the dragon just ate you!"

...LMAO!!! Yep, sounds quite familiar...

The single most dangerous thing in all of Krynn is to hear a Kender say "oops".

Fizban Who?
Scanndalus Posted - 09 Jan 2008 : 21:29:02
Thanks for the link, Shane! It was a great interview.

Ummm, is the sound quality on my laptop bad, or does Raistlin have a lisp(sp?). It's funny that I can't speel that word. LOL

Back to the interview, I can just picture that game session. That DM sounds like on of my old DMs. "Ooops, roll to see if you knocked a rock off into the well, oh, too bad, you did. Alright, roll to see if you hit the dragon with the staff. A 1! You rolled a 1! MWAHAHAHA! Ok, you take a swing, but the rope has you spinning, so you miss and hit the wall, which causes you to drop the staff. What? No you can't roll to see if you were able to catch it; the dragon just ate you!"

LMAO! That must have been awesome! LOL

Great job, Shane!

Respectfully submitted,
(The poster formerly known as Scanndalus)

Bupu, you have been a good and true friend to me. You saved my life and the lives of those I care about. Now you will do one last thing for me, little one. Go back. I must travel roads that will be dark and dangerous before the end of my long journey. I cannot ask you to go with me.
Fizban Who Posted - 09 Jan 2008 : 20:27:01

The single most dangerous thing in all of Krynn is to hear a Kender say "oops".

Fizban Who?

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