End of an Era...
For almost 30 years, the Dragonlance Movie Site has tracked rumours, run dreamcast polls, answered questions, and even became the official website for the animated feature film of Dragons of Autumn Twilight. But just like for the Companions of the Lance, all journeys must come to an end. And so to must this site.
Things have been pretty quiet on the Dragonlance movie front for many years now. While the success of the Lord of the Rings movies, and later Game of Thrones and The Witcher, has reinvigorated the live-action fantasy genre, this sadly hasn't translated into any significant momentum towards further film or television outings for the Dragonlance franchise. For now, fans must continue to live in hope.
The DLMS offically shut down at the end of 2022
To keep up to date with all things Dragonlance, we recommend heading over to the Dragonlance Nexus.
Both domain names for the site are now for sale! Please contact us for further information.
The old pages of the site are still available to view for the time being.